Sunday, December 27, 2015

Had an excellent day today chasing waterfalls down in the Leatherwood Wilderness . It was cold (40 degrees) and wet , but I saddled up and went anyway . We've had a huge amount of rainfall the last few days and I knew the falls would be roaring. They did not disappoint! 
East Funnel Falls at the cliff

Down below East Funnel Falls

LoonBeam Pouroff at high flow ... best shot I've captured here!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

      I recently got back out into the woods again for some fall hiking. These are some pictures I took on the Indian Rock House loop trail in Buffalo Point Recreation area , near the Buffalo National River. At the end of the trail is a really cool cave , that has a small stream flowing out of the rock (a spring) and along a back wall , then back into the ground.  I can see why the Natives would have loved this cave !
It felt great to be out again.... there was some ice on the base of a waterfall I came across , and the air was very nice for hiking (about 40 degrees) .
Looking forward to more miles on the trails this winter !