Sunday, March 10, 2013

Your words are so powerful ....

   One of the most powerful forces in this life are .... your words. Many , many times you have seen it happen ... someone will speak something ... then it will come to pass . It has happened to me lots of times . Here is the lastest .........

I'm always joking around when I go get the mail saying "maybe there is a big check for us in there today " .....especially since Penny and I are both unemployed right now . Well, the other day I said it , and went out to check the mail , and lo and behold , was an envelope with a check in it for 10,000 dollars ! Now , it was a scam , a fake check from an auto sales lot type of thing , but Penny and I got a good laugh out of it. We both agreed again how powerful our words that we speak are , and I then said " Next time I'll ask for a REAL check in the mail .  A few days later I was filling out our income tax return for 2012 , which I have been putting off , because again ..... we are unemployed , and each year since we are "middle class" according to our wonderful president , we usually have tp pay in 6 to 8 hundred dollars on top of the 5 to 6 thousand dollars we hold out of our pay throughout the year. As I finalized our tax return I could not belive it when we were due a REFUND of about 600.00 ..... a "real check in the mail" !  God will grant you what you ask for in his name , if it is in his will . Pray for God's will to come into your life and stand back and watch what will happen !

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