This is the time of year when it can be cool and chilly , especially in the morning , or ultra sticky-steamy after a afternoon storm event. We have been blessed with a wet spring season with plenty of rain , which has made everything very lush and green in the fields and forests .
After breakfast this morning , the air felt pretty good outside , so I suggested to Penny that we take a hike up to the bluff on the Big Bluff Trail down at the state park . It has been a while since either
Penny or I have felt like doing any hiking , and Penny was reluctant when I suggested our trek today . I pleaded my case , and explained it wouldn't be a long hike , just a short jaunt off the road to check out the view of the White River from the bluff overlook.
We got our shoes on , filled up a couple water bottles , blew the cobwebs off of our hiking staffs and then we were off . Once arriving at the trailhead , we quickly noticed how grown over and muddy the trail was ... but we trudged on . After starting up the hill , the ground gave way to rocky soil and I soon remembered why I like hiking so much in the fall and winter seasons. Gnats started buzzing all around our heads , and since we were the first ones to hike the trail today .... all of the spider webs were left from last night for me to plow into with my face ! I couldn't get Penny to trade places and take the lead , so I used my old trick and picked up a forked stick and held it out in front of me as I walked ... it works pretty well . Soon after that we saw two deer in the woods . They seemed quite unafraid of us and trotted along near us for a good bit as we ascended the hillside . We never get tired of the deer around here unless they bound out of the woods in front of your car . I also noticed ticks ..... lots of ticks ...... crawling up my legs as we walked . I stopped and flicked them off every now and then and continued onward .They seem to like me the best , as Penny didn't get any on her . Once we reached the overlook , it was nice though . We sat on a bench and looked out over the valley below and watched some men who were fly fishing for trout in the cold waters below us . It was a really nice and peaceful scene and that is why we hike .... you brave miles , cold , heat , wet or thirst , to get to the destination that others won't exert the effort to go to . The prize is the vistas you see , the wildlife you see , and the pure enjoyment of nature which God has created for us to live in .
That being said though ..... I can't wait till WINTER again ! :)
My latest photo interests have centered around nighttime photography which I find fascinating. By setting the camera on long exposure settings you can capture light the human eye can't see ..... very cool . Most of the time you really don't know what you have got until you get them offloaded into the computer and see them in full detail . My next venture will be to do some nice waterfall shots , if I can luck out with days off work right after some heavy rainfall . More to come ............. :)
My campfire from last April
This photo was the starting of the Blood Moon eclipse on April 14 , 2014 .
I shot it with a exposure time of 1/8 second ... a standard shot . It is about 9:30 PM
This shot was taken a few minutes later , but by changing the exposure time to 16 seconds , the camera is able to catch all available light from the moon ... making it almost look light a daytime shot !
A good shot of Blood Moon No.1. I maxed the zoom out on my camera and got this ....... REPENT America !! God is speaking to us .....
Against Penny's better judgment , I love to shoot shots of lightning . I get these kinds of shots by setting up the camera on the tripod , and adjusting the exposure time to the longest time my lil camera will go (16 seconds) . Then I just keep taking one shot after another hoping a lightning bolt will flash during one of the exposures . After about 50 shots ... I got this !
Another lucky shot ... after this I gave up and went to bed ...
This was my very first try at night photography , when I got this great shot off of our back deck . Once I got this onto the computer and saw it ... I was hooked . WOW !
Penny's bedroom light shines as her crazy husband is out on the deck at night dodging lightning bolts !
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