This was the hike that I have been planning for , for some time. I planned to hike from Barkshed Rec area over to Gunner Pool , a total distance of 4 miles , then rest ( a lot ) and the hike back to my trusty pickup at Barkshed . Last time I travelled this distance on foot I was in my 30's , and I remember being sore afterwards. I have been trying to shape back up , and since we have moved up here to the hiking mecca of the universe (the Ozarks) , I have been able to get a lot more trail time in .... although I see the weight hasn't fallen right off , as planned . Oh well ... more to carry .
I started about 9 am , and made pretty good time , making it to Gunner Pool by noon . After having a good rest , and meeting a nice couple from Little Rock there , I turned back and retraced my steps back to Barkshed , taking a few side trips here and there. I did pretty good , until about mile 6 , when I got back to the halfway point sign . The last two miles were pretty tough going , but I know I will be employed soon , and I told myself to enjoy every minute of this time that I have available now to enjoy the outdoor life .
Penny and I are so blessed to have this time in our lives , to relax for a little while , and press the reset button on our lives. I know it may seem selfish to some , but we have really enjoyed all the time off we have had , and have had a real blessing from God to have been able to enjoy this time . I will never regret having made a leap of faith and put these experiences in my life and these pictures and memories here for our friends and family to enjoy along with us......... Enjoy the Hike !!
The sun rises over the bluff line ... another great day !
Water is always seeping out of the limestone formations ...
I know that ledge has been hanging there for eons .... but what is to stop it from cracking off , just as you walk under it ?
A small waterfall into a canyon ....the trail goes up in there and then crosses ...I guess if it is really flowing , you are going to get wet feet .......
LOTS of the trail is like this .... it drops of steeply to the right
Another of the 1000's of vistas to see ....
My hiking stick .... Thanks Candice !!
The Sylamore widens out at points , but still flows really well .
Another effect of the government sequestration .... yet Obama still has his big parties at the White House . Would you trust your life to traverse this bridge ? .......... I did ..... did you expect any different of me ?
River of Life ........
More bluffs , and the river down below , and small caves in the base of the bluffs . I read somewhere that Black Bears like to hibernate in small caves Arkansas ... near rocky areas ......
A small waterfall ... it bet this is really something right after a hard rain .....
Springtime has sprung !
This place made me think a lil .... the trail ran along a bluffline for quite a ways ...the other side is around 100 foot drop to the river . What if you come around the bend , and say a black bear is on the trail coming the other way ..nobody is going up the bluff ... down isn't really an option either ..... hmmmmmm
Kind of like a mini Mount Rushmore ....
Im WAYYY up there ....... :)
I can see me in a kayak ... coming down this stream .....
Lots of bluffs everywhere you look
Trailhead sign at Gunner Pool .. I made it 4 miles in about 3 hours.. pretty good time for a flabby old guy !
At the halfway point (Gunner Pool) I took a siesta , and removed my sweat soaked clothing to dry out . I entertained undressing and going for a swim , but after I waded in with my feet , I could only take it for about 1 minute before I was numb from the cold. I was really glad I didn't , when after a bit a couple showed up on the beach nearby without me noticing them !!
Like people ... some trees are cast a poor lot on places to make their home ... looks thirsty , doesn't he ?
The trail is marked well with blue blazes on the trees .... after 5 or 6 hours of hiking you start to resent them ..... they mock you , taunting you .... only 349 more to go ... now 348 .. now 347 ..
This cave is on a side trail I found off of the main trail ... Penny always gets aggravated when I want to get of the main trail (ever since that time we got lost) , but I like to see what is there ... I threw a rock down , and it sounded quite deep .... In my younger days I might've tied off a rope and dropped into it ..... but not today .........would make a nice lil bear den .... don't ya think !
Much of the trail runs along the bluffs overlooking the river .... some are over 100 feet tall ... of course , I have to get close to the edge ......
This was the sign at the halfway point from Barkshed to Gunner Pool ... I was in good shape on the first trip thru ... by my return trip later , I was feeling my age !
Mountains , rivers , trees ..... sigh ..... God's country for sure.
A shot for my wife , Penny .... she likes wildflowers ( don't say anything , but I do too !)
A feeder stream flows thru a limestone chute into a small canyon ... Im going to have to get back here sometime after a good rain when it is flowing real hard ..... I bet it is something to see.
The trail follows blufflines lots of the times ... you know the Indians that lived here must have used these same trails. I know the animals still do , by the tracks I see.......
I found this (paw?) print down near the creek where the road from my camp ended ..... it was "following" a deer track ... a LARGE deer track ........ I guess I'd better be moving along ...
This is where a spring comes out of the mountain near Barkshed Rec area ... I love springs !
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