Monday, April 22, 2013

BassMaster Elite tournament on Bull Shoals Lake Part 2

     I attended the final day of the Bassmaster Ramada Quest tournament today (4/22), to see the winner of the 100,000.00 prize . A rookie angler named Jason Christie from Oklahoma took top place when he got into a school of bass that were in a shad feeding frenzy on top of the water .... he really hit the jackpot . It was fun to watch .... and of course , now I want a fishing boat ! I wound up being filmed in the preshow , and the congratulations ceremony afterward , because I was standing near the "Toyota " stage . The video is about 2 hours total , but if you fast forward to about 17:00 minutes into it , you'll see me to the right of the stage . I'm wearing a wide brim straw hat (very Arkansawish!) . I'm also on the video at about 1:21:0 (one hour 21 minutes) as well . It was a lot of fun to see it live , and a lot of excitement for this area to receive.

Link to the video below ..  (go to day four , the last one )

An angler hold up his catch

Boats with fisherman were pulled through a row in front of the weigh in stage , where they pulled the fish from the livewells and stepped on stage .

Jason Christie and his big trophy ....

My vantage point in the crowd....

This is the motion you make when you earn 100,000.00 prize ....

This little girl sang the National Anthem before the weigh in ... she is only 3 years old..........
 (it is on the video)

High dollar boats for big league fisherman ...

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