Sunday, May 5, 2013

Employed Again ........

  Well , my free wheeling days of camping , hiking , and life of leisure have been temporarily halted by full time employment . I landed a job with a small equipment rental company located in Mountain Home , about 13 miles from our home in Lakeview. The pay is a lot less than I was making in Texas , but is on par with what is normal for around here , and it will stop the steady drain on our savings account that has been taking place since we moved up here in December . It is a small business with only 4 employees total , so I am lucky to find work , and the stress level should be much less than my previous job .
   I have had very mixed emotional feelings when returning to work . It is similar to when we used to come up here on vacations , and then have to head back to our jobs in Texas . It is hard to explain , but I think most of you know that feeling in your stomach . Penny and I have had a really GREAT time off for the past few months , and it is very hard to leave in the morning to go off to work . It isn't that I am jealous she isn't working yet , it is just that I am used to being with her all the time for the last few months , and for now that is over .  My mind wanders and thinks forward to the day when we are financially able to quit working , or retire , and we can enjoy our lives again like we have these past few months. I try to keep things in perspective , by noting all the many blessings that GOD has laid in our laps , that many other couples have not received. We are VERY blessed to have been able to move to this beautiful area and have several months off to settle in and explore and enjoy our new home. Still , though , I look forward to the day when I will no longer have to live my life beholden to the clock on the wall ...... telling me when to get up , eat , work and sleep . I hope that day comes while I am still physically able to enjoy some of the activities I have been doing lately. Penny and I drove down to the state park down the road , and hiked the Big Bluff trail (1.75 mi) this afternoon , and it was great . The weather is unusually cold (we had snow this week!) and we didn't see anyone on the trail as we were hiking , so that was great . I love having the woods to ourselves , and Penny and I can walk along and talk about all the things that are on our minds . I'm still in awe by the fantastic scenery we have located just 2 miles from our home . Even though I am now working , I'm
going to try and get out there and enjoy the countryside as much as I can ....... that is why we moved up here .

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